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media releases

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media releases
SAUTER invests in a new production building in Freiburg
After a construction period of around seven months, on 5 May 2017...
5 mája 2017
media releases
SAUTER NRT300: Heating and cooling with just one actuator
The new SAUTER equiflex NRT300 air-conditioning controller adds even more new facets...
1 februára 2018
media releases
Simple and individual room operation with the SAUTER ecoUnit355
With the new ecoUnit355 room operating unit and the ecoUnit358 push-button unit,...
15 februára 2018
media releases
SAUTER eValveco: Simple control of heating, cooling and hydraulic balancing
The SAUTER eValveco system is used for real-time flow regulation and automatic...
18 októbra 2018
media releases
SAUTER ecos505: Integrated room automation for more convenience and efficiency
The SAUTER ecos505 room controller guarantees both seamless integration in the building...
28 novembra 2018
media releases
SAUTER Vision Center 6.1: Universal building management – simple and equipped for the future
The latest generation of SAUTER Vision Center integrates additional visualisation and operation...
3 decembra 2018
media releases
Energy Pack for SAUTER valve actuators: When downtimes are not an option
The energy module for SAUTER vialoq valve actuators enables simple retrofitting of...
31 januára 2019
media releases
Combining high performance with IoT architecture: modulo 6.
SAUTER modulo 6 comprises compact, powerful hardware, intuitive cloud-based software, a wide range of...
7 marca 2019
media releases
SAUTER launches ecos504-IoT: an innovative and smart solution for home automation and building automation
With the development of the ecos504-IoT, which uses the Internet of Things...
13 marca 2019
media releases
Highlights and innovations at ISH 2019 – with SAUTER Intelligence Inside
From 11-15 March 2019, it was that time again. ISH, the world’s...
14 mája 2019
media releases
SAUTER Smart Shading Shade Correction: sun protection even easier and more practicable
Smart Shading stands for automated building sunshading. The application improves the use...
10 septembra 2019
media releases
SAUTER Vision Center 6.2: User-specific solutions for a better overview
SAUTER Vision Center 6.2 impresses with new functions and offers excellent user-friendliness...
14 októbra 2019
media releases
Mobile Building Services – room operation via SAUTER Cloud
Modern smartphone and tablet solutions for apartment, hotel and office buildings are...
4 novembra 2019
media releases
FXV33* EasySwitch – Reduced energy consumption via flexible set-back
The FXV33* EasySwitch is the electric control distributor from the SAUTER FXV...
3 decembra 2019
media releases
Smart Cities – Tools for the creation of sustainable neighbourhoods
The integration of renewable energies, heating and electricity storage as well as...
16 decembra 2019
media releases
SAUTER Smart Actuator – Flexibility combined with predictive maintenance
The Smart Actuator enables the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning regulation to be...
28 januára 2020
media releases
SAUTER Vision Center – BACnet certification
BACnet is the worldwide standardized Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and...
16 júna 2020
media releases
Why the correct operation of ventilation systems is particularly important now
Ventilation systems can contain the spread of viruses, because the higher the...
10 septembra 2020
media releases
New CASE ValveDim app: The whole SAUTER valve and actuator range on your smartphone
SAUTER is launching a new mobile app which can be used to...
17 septembra 2020
media releases
ecos504/505 room automation stations now with M-Bus interface
A comfortable room climate with minimum energy consumption – this is the...
13 októbra 2020
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